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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

Meet Our Team | Overview

A variety of practitioners are available to help you and your child, including:

  • child neurologists
  • neurology nursing
  • neuropsychologists and psychologists
  • social workers


As you can see, we have many neurologists! Many have expertise in particular conditions. If you need help choosing a physician, please call us at 617-355-6388 and our staff will be happy to advise you.

Isabel Abbott, MD
Milena Andzelm, MD, PhD
Irina A. Anselm, MD



Elizabeth Barkoudah, MD
Viviana Benitez, MD
Leslie Benson, MD
Ann Marie Bergin, MB, BCH, BAO
Miya Bernson-Leung, MD
Jeffrey Bolton, MD
Christina Briscoe Abath, MD, EdM


Catherine A. Chapman, MD
Michelle Y. Chiu, MD, FRCPC
Alexander Cohen, MD, PhD


Basil T. Darras, MD
Peter Davis, MD
Stephanie Donatelli, MD


Darius Ebrahimi-Fakhari, MD, PhD
Christopher M. Elitt, MD, PhD
Elizabeth Engle, MD


Tatiana Filina, MD

Jennifer Gettings, BMBS, FRCPC
Partha Ghosh, MD
Mark P. Gorman, MD

Jennifer Hanowell, DO
Chellamani Harini, MD
Karameh Hawash-Kuemmerle, MD
Leslie Hayes, MD

Tuba Rashid Khan, MBBS, MPH, EdM
Jessica Klein, MD


Lauren LaFortune, MD
Kerri LaRovere, MD
Laura Lehman, MD
April Levin, MD
Mark H. Libenson, MD
David Lieberman, MD, PhD
Jonathan Lipton, MD, PhD
Tobias Loddenkemper, MD

Kiran Maski, MD
Maitreyi Mazumdar, MD, MPH, MSc
John McLaren, MD
Anna Minster, MD
Alisa Mo, MD, PhD
Lara Morse, MD
Chariton Moschopoulos, MD
Christelle Moufawad El Achkar, MD


Heather Olson, MD
Judith Owens, MD


Archana Patel, MD, MPH
Phillip Pearl, MD
Carrie Peek, MD, EdM
Jurriaan Peters, MD
Anna Lecticia Ribeiro Pinto , MD, PhD
Scott L. Pomeroy, MD, PhD

Peter Raffalli, MD
Michael J. Rivkin, MD
Lance Rodan, MD
Eugene J. Roe, MD
Caitlin Rollins, MD
Cynthia M. Rooney, MD
Paul A. Rosenberg, MD, PhD
Alexander Rotenberg, MD, PhD


Mustafa Sahin, MD, PhD
Catherine L. Salussolia, MD, PhD
Margaret Savage, MD
Nutan Sharma, MD, PhD
Janet S. Soul, MD
Siddharth Srivastava, MD
Coral Stredny, MD
Robert C. Stowe, MD

Kinga Tomczak, MD, PhD
Masanori Takeoka, MD
Molly Tracy, MD
Sara Trowbridge, MD
Melissa Tsuboyama, MD


Nicole Ullrich, MD, PhD
David K. Urion, MD

Rachel Walsh, MD
Kellen Winden, MD, PhD
Molly Wilson-Murphy, MD
Robert R. Wolff, MD



Our highly trained neurology nurses and nurse practitioners provide supportive, science-based care and can help address your day-to-day questions.

Neurology Nurse Practitioners


Sara DelVecchio, PNP

Maria DeMeo, MSN, RN, C-PNP

Caroline Fitzgerald, BSN, MSN, RN, NP, CPNP-AC

Danielle Friedman, PNP

Jennifer Gingrasfield, BFA, RN, MSN, PNP

Hillary Horte, PNP

Regina Laine, PNP

Katelyn Laracy, MSN, PNO-BC

Courtney Lewis, PNP

Tracy Mahoney, RN, BSN, MSN, CPNP

Margaret Marlatt, MS, CPNP, CNRN

Candice Marti, PNP

Maile Moore, RN, PNP

Ann Paris, MS, CPNP, CNRN

Jocelyn Pedrick, PNP

Lora Pixley, PNP

Pamela Rogers, PNP

Suzanne Rose, NP, RN

Heather Pomella, MSN, RN, CPNP

Andrea Sacks, MSN

Jen Sant, PNP

Rebecca Sarvendram, PNP

Rasha Srouji, RN, MSN, CPNP

Rebecca M. Stevens, MSN, RN, CPNP

Erin Sweet, RN, MSN, FNP-C

Neurology Nurses


Theresa Arsenault, RN

Catherine Curro-Harrington, RN

Debora Demange, RN

Patricia Gannon, RN

Jacqui Lynch, RN

Kerry Matthews, RN

Jennifer McCrave, RN

Lily Misener, RN

Vicki Netzke-Doyle, RN

Mary O'Brien, RN

Rhonda O'Neil, RN

Natalia Pavlov, RN, BSN, CNRN

Lindsay Simmons, RN

Stephanie Tea, RN


Epilepsy Nurses


Cheryl Cahill, RN

Christine Foley, RN

Colleen Gagnon, RN, BSN

Alex Gelaides, RN

Elizabeth Gifford, RN

Sabrina Merchant, RN

Deborah Sousa, RN

Catherine Tishel, RN


Neuropsychologists and Psychologists

Neuropsychologists and psychologists can conduct detailed assessments of a child’s cognitive abilities and brain function.

Katrina Boyer, PhD

Lois O. Condie, PhD

Jackie Martin, PhD

Christine Mrakotsky, PhD

Rachel Schmitt, PhD

Alex McLean Taylor, PsyD

Clemente Vega, PsyD, ABPP-CN

Deborah Waber, PhD

Eric Zhou, PhD

Social Workers and Child Life Specialists

Neurology social workers and child life specialists are available to help you access ongoing services in the community, such as early intervention and special education, and to help you during your child’s hospitalization.

Amar Khalsa, MSW, LICSW

Christine Monterio, MSW

Chris Ryan, MSW, LCSW

Meghann Soby, MSW

Talk to Lesley