Current Environment:

The Division of Pulmonary Medicine has an active training program and has trained more than 70 pediatric pulmonologists. Boston Children’s Hospital offers an unparalleled opportunity for studying pediatric pulmonary medicine within a strong general medicine setting due to its access to all Harvard Associated Faculty and research facilities.

Medical school students

First- and second-year Harvard Medical School (HMS) students attend lectures presented by the division’s staff, rotate through the Pulmonary Function Laboratory, and attend teaching sessions in the outpatient department. Third- and fourth-year students may participate in a four-week elective on Boston Children’s general pulmonary services. During this elective, students evaluate and follow children and young adults with pulmonary diseases and cystic fibrosis on the inpatient service, attend bronchoscopy procedures, participate in the outpatient clinic, and consult on a variety of lung diseases.


Pediatric residents in the Boston Combined Residency Program rotate through the pulmonary service as one of their core training requirements. During this time residents are actively involved in the care of both inpatients and outpatients with a broad variety of pulmonary disorders. Exposure to bronchoscopies is encouraged during an outpatient portion of the rotation. A curriculum is in place to insure that residents learn key information in the care of patients with lung diseases.


Boston Children’s Fellowship Program in Pediatric Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases is a three (or more) year program designed to provide a balance of clinical and research experience for pediatricians who choose to specialize in pulmonary medicine. In general, four new fellows are accepted into the program each year. While the emphasis shifts from patient care in the early phase of the program to research in years two and three, all fellows continue to care for patients throughout the three-year program. Learn about the fellowship.