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Explore clinical research resources

There is no specific order in which investigators consult with research support services. It is dependent on the type of study and investigator needs and experience.

Biostatistics and Research Design (BARD) Center The BARD Center promotes excellence in the design and analysis of research studies, and provides biostatistical and methodological expertise, as well as scientific leadership, through collaborative relationships with Boston Children's Hospital investigators. Areas of statistical expertise include pre-clinical experiments, clinical trials, observational studies (retrospective and prospective), longitudinal studies, randomized studies, health economics and econometrics, survey research, qualitative research and high-dimensional functional neuroimaging research. 
Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR) The ICCTR at Boston Children’s is the central research support structure. The ICCTR promotes collaboration with clinical research methodologists and provides infrastructure for the conduct of clinical research at the hospital. The ICCTR staff is a consolidated group of research professionals who are knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of clinical research, including biostatistics, database development and data management, study startup, study operations, regulatory support and education. ICCTR resources are organized around four centers and a number of supporting cores and services. The Centers include  Biostatistics and Research Design; Experimental Therapeutics and Interventional Trials, Population Health Sciences and the Translational Research Program
Clinical Research Informatics Team (CRIT) Boston Children’s investigators can consult with CRIT about developing databases and any other clinical research informatics needs. CRIT has designed and developed a variety of informatics tools to address the growing needs of the Boston Children’s clinical research enterprise, including application software for creating randomization schemes, web-based clinical data management systems and online collaborative workspaces like SharePoint and Open Atrium. The Informatics team provides expertise in the use of InForm™, a web-based electronic data capture and clinical data management system. InForm™ is the recommended technology for all sponsor-investigator FDA-regulated trials conducted at Boston Children’s. InForm™ features enhanced reporting and integration capabilities compliant with pharmaceutical industry standards for FDA-regulated research. CRIT offers classes and consultation around building a REDCap database. 
Technology and Innovation Development Office (TIDO)
If investigators are planning a study involving their own intellectual property, they should consult with TIDO. TIDO works with investigators to translate research and clinical ideas into new therapies, diagnostics and devices through the protection and licensing of intellectual property. TIDO can also connect investigators with industry partners, when appropriate.
Harvard Catalyst Harvard University’s Clinical and Translational Science Center serves the research community. It offers courses and educational programs, research consulting, tools for study design and clinical trial collaboration, guidance on regulatory issues, and pilot funding for novel, high-impact projects — all  freely available to trainees, fellows and faculty.

Complete investigator and study-team training

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) certification Boston Children’s requires investigators and their study teams to complete the CITI Basic Biomedical Research for Investigators and Key Personnel course. CITI certification is required in order to work on clinical research at Boston Children's.
Education and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP) All first time investigators are required to have a one-time meeting with a staff member from the EQuIP office to review applicable regulations and policies required to ensure human subject protections and overall data integrity.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training

Investigators may need to complete GCP training in order to receive some grant awards. Completing any one of the following three courses will satisfy a requirement for GCP training:

Sponsor-investigator training The Boston Children's IRB requires that all new sponsor-investigators arrange a one-time meeting with a member of the Office of Research Regulatory Support, Education and Quality to review the responsibilities of serving as a sponsor-investigator. To arrange a meeting, please contact Ashley Kuniholm.

Discover funding opportunities

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) [internal link] The Office of Sponsored Programs handles governmental, foundation and other non-profit funding arrangements. Grant officers are assigned to the research community by department and division. They serve as the primary points of contact for grant application review, award acceptance and administration, sponsor relations and inter-institutional administrative arrangements related to governmental, foundation and other non-profit sources of funding.
Translational Research Program (TRP)

The mission of the Translational Research Program (TRP) at Boston Children's is to stimulate the development of non-clinical and human clinical trials that seek to improve the care of children, and to ensure adequate infrastructure to support non-clinical and clinical translational research projects. The TRP offers stimulative grants-in-aid awarded for projects containing novel ideas or applications, funding for multidisciplinary retreats to foster interactions across the spectrum of research and clinical activities as well as funding for the development of faculty and staff in translational research activities at Boston Children's.

Harvard Catalyst The Harvard Catalyst offers pilot grants to Harvard investigators to support clinical and/or translational research that has the potential to impact human health.  Funding is available for research across all clinical and translational domains from basic science/preclinical studies to practice or population-based research.
 IDEA Grant The IDEA Grant Program’s mission is to support novel clinical research conducted by staff within the Department of Nursing and Patient Care Services that improves the care of pediatric patients and families at Boston Children’s. 
Office of Faculty (OFD) Development The OFD annually offers a faculty development grant for junior faculty that provides funding up to 100k over two years. 
Other sources of intramural funding Individual department/divisions within Boston Children’s may have sources of intramural funding for investigators within their individual department/division. Investigators should check with their division/department leadership to uncover these sources of funding.
Grants.Gov is an easily searchable source of potential funding sources. A detailed synopsis of each funding sources is accessible within three clicks. The site offers advanced search features and provides access to the full announcement and application.

Conflicts of interest

Disclosing outside interests and activities  Boston Children’s is committed to protecting the integrity of its research and faculty by ensuring that relationships with industry are free of perceived or actual conflicts of interest. Accordingly, investigators are required to disclose their outside interests and activities pursuant to Boston Children’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

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