The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Boston Children’s Hospital provides comprehensive evaluation and consultative services to D/deaf and hard of hearing children. Our interdisciplinary program is located within the Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement and is one of the largest and most experienced programs dedicated to D/deaf and hard of hearing children.
Early identification of hearing levels is an essential component to maximizing language access for children who are D/deaf and hard of hearing. Our interdisciplinary team will assess a child’s language and developmental status, and subsequently assist families to create a roadmap that emphasizes communication, language proficiency, and social-emotional well-being. Our team collaborates with physicians, allied health professionals, and educators to meet the needs of your child.
Furthermore, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program has a dedicated outreach program that aims to organize D/deaf and hard of hearing resources and community-based events, foster relationships that promote acceptance of one’s identity regardless of language or technology, and empower D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals.
The outreach program provides support to children and their families outside of the clinical scope. We make referrals to other local and national agencies and organizations, disseminating information regarding assistive devices, educational materials, and specialized materials. We interact closely with schools, organizations, and agencies to ensure we are caring for the whole child.
Our interdisciplinary team includes:
- Audiology
- Education and outreach
- Neuropsychology
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Speech-language pathology
To learn more about our philosophy of care, please visit our programs and services page.

New parents learn about hearing loss
After Teagan was diagnosed with hearing loss, her parents committed to making as many options as possible available to her.