About KASA
At Boston Children's at Martha Eliot, we understand that caring for a child with medical complexities requires a team approach. The Kids with Special Abilities (KASA) program was created with these concerns in mind. Our KASA team includes your child's primary care provider, nurses, and a social worker.
The KASA team can help with:
- Discussing symptoms that your child is experiencing and deciding what to do
- Working with home and school nurses
- Making sure your child has the medicine and medical supplies they need
- Understanding how to care for your child at home
- Connecting you and your child to community resources, including mental and behavioral health services
- Helping transition to adult care
To contact the KASA team, call the clinic at 617-919-7377 and let our staff know you would like to speak with someone on the KASA team.
Meet Our Team
Read more about Arda Hotz, MD
Pediatrician, Division of General Pediatrics
Instructor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Read more about Kerri Tinney, RN, BSN, CPN
Staff Nurse III, Children's Hospital Primary Care Center (CHPCC)
Rachel Casey, RN
Staff Nurse
Read more about Caroline Palleschi, MSW, LICSW
Clinical Social Worker, Kids and Adolescents with Special Abilities (KASA) Social Worker, Primary Care Martha Eliot Health Center
Shaughnessy Cole
Population Manager, Kids With Special Abilities (KASA) Program
Patient resources
- MA Early Intervention Division: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/early-intervention-division
- Mass Family Ties: https://www.massfamilyties.org/
- DDS: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-developmental-services
- Got Transitions: https://gottransition.org/
- DPH: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-public-health
- Federation for Children with Special Needs: https://fcsn.org/
- AllCare Supply Reorder: https://www.allcaremed.org/easy-reorder
- Byram Supply Reorder: https://www.mybyramhealthcare.com/