Current Environment: Production

There are too many medical and injury situations to cover them all here. In situations where you may need some guidance after hours, call our office main number for our triage service at 508-295-8622.

It is rare for children to suddenly develop serious illness without warning. However if your child needs emergency care here are suggestions:

Call 9-1-1.

Stay calm and start rescue breathing if your child is not breathing.

If your child has active bleeding apply pressure with a clean cloth.

If your child is seizing, place them on the floor and turn their head to the side.

Go to the emergency room or call 911 if your child shows the following signs:

  • increasing difficulty breathing/turning blue
  • severe allergic reaction (swollen lips/tongue, difficulty breathing)
  • serious injuries including fractures
  • a burn that is large, especially of the face, groin, or extremities
  • loss of consciousness, severe headache, confusion, or vomiting after a head injury
  • any sign of a stiff neck, especially with fever or a rash
  • severe pain or inconsolable crying
  • signs of a seizure with uncontrollable jerking and unconsciousness
  • fever (temperature greater than 100.4 degrees) in an infant less than 3 months of age.
  • In any poisoning, call The Poison Center 1-800-682-9211. If they advise proceeding to the ER, bring the substance in its container with you.

Bring any medication your child is taking or your child might have taken to the hospital with you.

Related information

A 2005 national study by the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project analyzed emergency department visits in community hospitals (like Southcoast hospitals) and found that upper respiratory infection, such as sinusitis, strep throat, and croup, was the most common condition that accounted for ED visits by children (11.6 percent). Other common reasons for ED visits among children included ear infections, fevers, and viral infections accounting for 6.5 percent, 4.0 percent, and 3.3 percent of ED visits. In most cases visits for these reasons can be avoided by seeking care in our office during expanded hours or calling our triage line for advice.