Current Environment: Production


An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Find & Contact Us | Overview

Find us

The Boston Children's Hospital AIDS Program is located at the Boston Children's Hospital main campus on the fifth floor of 333 Longwood Ave., across the street from the main hospital.

  • Exit the Patient and Family Garage onto Longwood Avenue and take a right.
  • 333 Longwood is the second building on your right.

Contact us

Locations Address Contact
Boston Children's Hospital AIDS Program (CHAP)
Division of Infectious Diseases
333 Longwood Ave.
Floor 5
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-355-6832
Fax: 617-730-0254


International patients

For families residing outside of the United States, please contact Boston Children's Global Services, which facilitates the medical review of patient records and appointment scheduling and also provides assistance with customs and immigration, transportation, and hotel and housing accommodations.

Talk to Lesley