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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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The Boston Children's Hospital Celiac Disease Program is dedicated to helping children with celiac disease and their families.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that damages the small intestine. Each year, we help hundreds of families cope with the challenges of managing celiac disease at all stages of child development. We provide support and education to help your child and family transition to a new gluten free style of living and improve your child’s health, often without medication.

Personalized care

Our clinicians are some of the best at diagnosing and helping families manage celiac disease. We are experts in the health of the digestive system, nutrition and food allergies. We understand the challenges of growing up with the condition. Our highly personalized care can help your child feel better and get back to being a kid again.

We offer resources and support tailored to your child’s needs. Our dietitian can help manage changes to your routine when it comes to living gluten free and help you read nutrition labels to identify foods that have gluten. Our social worker can offer guidance and tips for you and your child on managing changes at school or at home. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease.

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Lia, a patient at Boston Children's Hospital, smiles

Meet Lia

A mother’s instinct helped Lia receive the right diagnosis of celiac disease and get back to being a happy, energetic toddler.

A community of support

Our vibrant and active celiac disease support group includes more than 300 families living with this disease. Members share ideas and encouragement and help educate each other. The group is based at Boston Children’s and open to families from Boston and beyond, no matter where you receive care.


Our care is deeply informed by our research that helps us make informed decisions about treatment options and dietary recommendations for children with celiac disease. Some of our patients and families choose to participate in our research projects and trials, though this is entirely optional and does not affect other aspects of their care.

Did you know you can schedule follow-up appointments online?

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Talk to Lesley