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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Community partnerships

The Community Asthma Initiative at Boston Children's Hospital works with community partners in the city around asthma-related issues and activities.

We work with:

Community activities

Our partners provide opportunities for children to participate in safe and healthy programs and activities, such as:

  • Boston Asthma Swim Program - asthma education and swimming exercise. Contact the Boston Asthma Swim Program here.

Together with our partners, we also provide asthma education workshops and trainings for parents and providers.

If you would like more information about our Community Partnerships, or if you are interested in someone coming out to speak to your community organization about asthma, contact Elizabeth Klements, MS, PNP-BC, AE-C. Beth is the asthma clinical nurse specialist at Boston Children’s, and she frequently speaks about asthma around Boston. Beth can be reached by email at or by phone at 617-355-1928.

Funding sources

The Boston Children's Hospital Community Asthma Initiative is funded through the generous support of:

Talk to Lesley