Current Environment: Production


Recall Alert

There is a voluntary recall. Learn more

Age-Based, Multidisciplinary Developmental Diagnostic Program

From infancy through adolescence, children receive an age-appropriate evaluation from a multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental team. Team members can include a developmental pediatrician, a pediatric psychologist, and an educational specialist depending on the age and needs of the child. Typical referrals to each program include:

  • Infants and toddlers (under 3 years of age) with motor, language, or social delays or abnormalities, including suspicion of an autism spectrum disorder
  • Preschoolers (ages 3-6): Mild to severe learning and developmental issues, attentional concerns, global developmental delays, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, and/or questions of autism spectrum disorders
  • School age (ages 7-10): Learning disabilities, attentional, and/or behavioral concerns
  • adolescents: (ages 11-17): Learning disabilities, attentional, and/or behavioral concerns

Please call the DMC Triage Coordinator with intake and referral questions at 617-355-7025.

ADHD Program

The DMC provides a broad array of diagnostic, treatment, consultation, and advocacy services for children with ADHD and their families. Services are available for children with a known or suspected ADHD diagnosis.

This program is for children already followed in the Developmental Medicine Center. For children who are new to the DMC and have a confirmed or suspected ADHD diagnosis, please call the DMC Triage Coordinator with intake and referral questions at 617-355-7025.

Autism Spectrum Center

As part of the Autism Spectrum Center, the DMC provides a variety of diagnostic, treatment, consultation, and advocacy services for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Services are available for children from infancy through adolescence who have a known or suspected ASD diagnosis.

For intake and referral questions please call the Autism Spectrum Center at 617-355-7493. Children already followed in the DMC for ASD do not need additional referral.

Down Syndrome Program

Please visit the Down Syndrome Program for more information about our programs for children 0-22 years old and their families. Call the Triage Coordinator with referral questions at 857-218-4329.

Toileting Program

The DMC Toileting Program supports patients between ages 4 and 16 in developing all the skills necessary to achieve urine/stool continence and toileting independence.