Current Environment: Production

The Global Research Fellowship supports research focused pediatricians to work on new solutions to global child health challenges. Current research fellow Oludare Odumade is working at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Her project “Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from Developing Societies” is mentored by Dr. Grace Chan, Attending, Division of Medicine and Critical Care. She is also working on new collaborations with local institutes to build capacity and understand possible immunological risk factors and neonatal sepsis in Ethiopia.

Current fellow and field site

Oludare Odumade, MD/PhD 2017-2019
University of Minnesota Medical School

Research Focus

- Maternal and Infant Health

- Neonatal Interventions

- Mechanisms governing anti-pathogen immunity in neonates

Clinical Work and Medical Education

Critical Care