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Nutrition Research and Training in India | Overview


India has a wide range of nutrition and health problems, which require professionals with appropriate skills, knowledge and trans-disciplinary collaborative abilities to influence policy making at the national and global level. 

Where We Started

Christopher Duggan, MD, MPH, a pediatric gastroenterologist and nutrition physician at Boston Children's Hospital and director of the Center for Nutrition, helped to start The Bangalore Boston NutritionCollaborative (BBNC), a collaborative with a focus on nutrition research and training. The goals of the BBNC are to conduct an interdisciplinary course, develop web-based courses and identify promising Indian students and junior faculty for graduate training in Boston.

Our Impact:

Currently, 30 providers are trained yearly and faculty members/graduate students from SJRI have visited Boston for collaborative research efforts. Dr. Duggan is studying the impact of vitamin B12 on neurodevelopment and cognitive function from early life into school age.

You Can Make a Difference

With your support, we can continue with vital research that will improve care for children and adults worldwide.

Talk to Lesley