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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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mHealth and Technology | Overview

LOCATION: Rwanda, South Korea, Israel, Turkey, Russia
TOPIC: Maternal, Child, & Infant Care
Infectious Diseases
Non-Communicable Diseases

Every year, millions of children die from preventable causes. Expertise on how to treat these children exists, but is currently locked within the walls of institutions. The present system of medical education requires students to ‘come within the walls” to learn, an approach that cannot be scaled to meet the global need for skilled doctors and nurses worldwide. OPENPediatrics is an online community of clinicians sharing best practices from all resource settings around the world through innovative collaboration and digital learning technologies. Through OPENPediatrics, clinicians can access academically rigorous and peer-reviewed content, including guided learning pathways, expert lectures and demonstrations, interactive device simulators, protocols and medical calculators. Clinicians can also form and join groups, share digital resources, and engage in online discussions of key aspects of pediatric care. OPENPediatrics even connects our community members through a free video chat service.

OPENPediatrics has been viewed from every country and territory on the globe, and has registered users from 134 countries. Our resources have been viewed by more than a quarter of a million individuals worldwide, including thousands of clinicians.  The learning they undertake on our site can lead to improvements in patient care for many more individuals.

Talk to Lesley