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About the Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Program

The physicians and staff in the Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Program at Boston Children's Hospital are experts in the management of congenital and acquired hand deformities.

Combining training in adult and pediatric orthopedics, hand surgery, plastic surgery, and microsurgery allows our surgeons to provide a comprehensive level of care unmatched in most other hospital settings.

If your child has a condition affecting her hand, come and talk to us. We would be happy to meet with you and discuss the best course of care for your child's unique situation.

We recognize the social elements involved in pediatric hand surgery. Our hands are an important part of our daily social interactions. They're out in the open for everyone to see, so an essential part of these operations has been making [the child’s] hand as symmetrical as possible with his unaffected hand.

Brian Labow, MD, on amniotic band syndrome surgery on a boy's hand