The Heart Failure Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, part of the #1-ranked children's hospital, comprises a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, nurses, and other clinical specialists who are experts at treating children with heart failure.

Heart failure can be caused by a number of different conditions, including congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathy, or myocarditis (an infection of the heart). When your child comes to Boston Children's Hospital, we will take a fresh and comprehensive look at your child’s specific presentation and the evolution of his or her condition. Every child is different, and we work together with families and other specialists to design a unique, tailored approach for each patient. Increasingly, we are able to manage heart failure patients medically and postpone or eliminate the need for transplant.
Whether your child’s condition requires medical management, mechanical assistance, or a heart transplant, the heart failure team is prepared to work with each patient’s unique situation and devise the optimal care plan.
Depending upon the needs of your child, members of the Heart Failure Program work closely with members of the Interventional Catheterization Program, Cardiomyopathy Program, Heart Transplant Program, and Ventricular Assist Device Program.