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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Boston Children’s Hospital is home to the nation's first comprehensive Pediatric Neurocritical Care Program. Combining expertise across medical, surgical and imaging specialties, the Boston Children's Hospital program is devoted to protecting and treating the brains of critically ill and injured children.

Embedded within Boston Children's Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MSICU), the Neurocritical Care Program evaluates, monitors and develops customized treatments for children with a wide range of serious conditions.

The program is a truly multidisciplinary effort, bringing together Boston Children's experts in:

Our director

man with glassesRobert C. Tasker, MD, MB, BS, established and directs the Neurocritical Care Program. He came to Boston Children's in 2010 from the Cambridge University (UK) Foundation Trust Hospital, and is also the former director of the General Medical Intensive Care Unit at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Dr. Tasker was the first physician in the United Kingdom to train in neurointensive care for children.

Talk to Lesley