Current Environment: Production

For patients

Our team is dedicated to evaluating your child’s condition and getting you the answers you need. Contact us to make an appointment or to learn more.

Mailing address

Boston Children's Hospital
c/o Pediatric Diagnostic Program BCH 3261
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115

Phone: 617-355-8024
Fax: 617-730-4645

For referring providers

We take great pride in ensuring seamless communication with you. It is important to note, we do not follow patients long term, as we believe that patients are best served with a local primary-care team. We provide follow-up clinical notes, and our clinicians are accessible by telephone to answer your questions.

If you have a question about the program or make a referral, contact us at 617-355-8024 or email

For families residing outside of the U.S., please contact Boston Children's Global Services. Here, we facilitate the medical review of patient records and appointment scheduling and provide assistance with customs and immigration, transportation, and hotel and housing accommodations.