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What is Project EPIC?

Project EPIC (Enhancing Pediatric Integrated Care) combines the content and clinical expertise of multiple Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) Centers: Boston Children's Hospital Primary Care Center (CHPCC), its satellite community primary care clinic at Boston Children's at Martha Eliot, and the Refugee Trauma and Resilience Core of the Trauma and Community Resilience Center (TCRC).

sign outside of brick building that says 'martha eliot health center'

Project EPIC partners with local agencies, The Home for Little Wanderers and the Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center.

Project EPIC is a Category III site of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and is funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Project EPIC enhances current CHPCC and MEHC’s integrative behavioral health services by offering trauma-focused prevention and intervention services through the delivery of the evidence-based model Trauma Systems Therapy (TST) and components of its adaptation for refugees and immigrants (TST-R) to CHPCC and MEHC primary care patients ages 7 to 21.