Selected publications
- Miller, A.B., Issa, O., Hahn, E., Agalab, N., & Abdi, S.M. (2021). Developing advisory boards within community-based participatory approaches to improve mental health among refugee communities. Progress in Community Health Partnerships.
- Davis, S, Winer, JP, Gillespie, S, Mulder, L. (2021). The Refugee & Immigrant Core Stressors Toolkit (RICST): Understanding the multifaceted needs of refugee youth & families through a four core stressors framework. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.
- Ellis, B.H., Miller, A., Baldwin, H., Abdi, S. (2011). New directions in refugee youth mental health services: Overcoming barriers to engagement. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 4(1), 69-85.
- Miller, A. B., Davis, S. H., Mulder, L. A., Winer, J. P., Issa, O. M., Cardeli, E., & Ellis, B. H. (2022). Leveraging Community-Based Mental Health Services to Reduce Inequities for Children and Families Living in the United States Who Have Experienced Migration-Related Trauma. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
- Ellis BH, Miller AB, Schouten R, Agalab N, & Abdi SM (2020). The challenge and promise of a multidisciplinary team response to the problem of violent radicalization. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-18.
- Ellis BH, Abdi SA. Building Community Resilience to Violent Extremism through Genuine Partnerships. American Psychologist 2017; 72 (3), 289-300.
Refugee and Immigrant Core related publications
- Ellis, B.H., Sideridis, G., Miller, A., Abdi, S.M., & Lincoln, A.K. (2021). Civic development and antisocial attitudes/behaviors among Somali immigrants: Change over one year. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
- Lincoln, A.K., Cardeli, E., Sideridis, G., Salhi, C., Miller, A.B., Da Fonseca, T., Issa, O., & Ellis, B.H. (2021). Understanding discrimination, marginalization, belonging, and mental health among Somali immigrants in North America. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
- Ellis, B.H., Sideridis, G., Miller, A., Abdi, S., & Winer, J. (2021). Trauma, trust in government, and social connection: How social context shapes attitudes related to the use of ideologically or politically motivated violence. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. 44.12, 1050-1067.
- Winer, J. P., Forgeard, M., Cardeli, E., Issa, O., & Ellis, B. H. (2020). Factor structure and concurrent validity of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) in a sample of Somali immigrants living in North America. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.
- Gillespie, S., Cardeli, E., Sideridis, G., Issa, O., & Ellis, B.H. (2020). Residential mobility, mental health, and community violence exposure among Somali refugees and immigrants in North America. Health & Place, 65, 102419.
- Cardeli, E., Phan, J., Mulder, L., Benson, M., Adhikari, R., & Ellis, B.H. (2020). Bhutanese refugee youth: The importance of assessing and addressing psychosocial needs in a school setting. Journal of School Health.
- Cardeli, E., Sideridis, G., Lincoln, A., Abdi, S., & Ellis, B.H. (2020). Social bonds in the diaspora: The application of Social Control Theory to Somali refugee young adults in resettlement. Psychology of Violence, 10(1), 18-29.
- Ellis, B.H., Lincoln, A., Abdi, S.M., Nimmons, E., Issa, O., & Decker, S. (2020). "We all have stories": Black Muslim Immigrants' Experience with the Police. Race and Justice. 10.3: 341-362.
- Ellis, B.H., Abdi, S.M., Lazarevic, V., Lincoln, A., White, M., Stern, J., & Horgan, J. (2016). Relation of psychosocial factors to diverse behaviors and attitudes among Somali refugees. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 86(4), 393-408.
- Lincoln, A., Lazarevic, V., White, M., & Ellis, B.H. (2016). The impact of acculturation style and acculturative hassles on the mental health of Somali adolescent refugees. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(4), 771-778.
2015 and earlier
- Ellis, B.H., Abdi, S.M., Miller, A., White, M.T., & Lincoln, A. (2015). Protective factors for violence perpetration in Somali young adults: The role of community belonging and neighborhood cohesion. Psychology of Violence, 4(5).
- Ellis, B.H., Benson, M.A., Miller, A., Geltman, P.L., Lankau, E.W., Ao, T.,...& Cochran, J. (2015). Understanding Bhutanese refugee suicide through the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85(1), 43-55.
- Betancourt, T.S., Abdi, S., Ito, B., Lilienthal, G.M., Agalab, N., & Ellis, B.H. (2014). We left one war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver-child relationships in Somali refugee families. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(1).
- Ellis, B.H., Abdi, S., Horgan, J., Miller, A., Saxe, G., & Blood, E. (2014). Trauma and openness to legal and illegal political activism among Somali refugees. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-27.
- Cochran, J., Geltman, P.L., Ellis, B.H., Brown, C., Anderton, S., Montour, J.,...& Ao, T. (2013). Suicide and suicidal ideation among Bhutanese refugees - United States, 2009-2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 62(26), 533-536.
- Ellis, B. H., Fogler, J., Hansen, S., Forbes, P., Navalta, C. P. & Saxe, G. (2011). Trauma Systems Therapy: 15-month outcomes and the importance of effecting environmental change. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
- Saxe, G., Ellis, B.H., Fogler, J. & Navalta, C.P. (2011). Innovations in Practice: Preliminary evidence for effective family engagement in treatment for child traumatic stress–trauma systems therapy approach to preventing dropout. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
- Ellis, B. H., Lincoln, A. K., Charney, M. E., Ford-Paz, R., Benson, M., & Strunin, L. (2010). Mental health service utilization of Somali adolescents: Religion, community, and school as gateways to healing. Transcultural Psychiatry, 47(5), 789-811.
- Ellis, B., MacDonald, H., Klunk-Gillis, J., Lincoln, A., Strunin, L., & Cabral, H. (2010). Discrimination and mental health among Somali refugee adolescents: the role of acculturation and gender. The American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 564-575.
- Geltman, P., Grant-Knight, W., Ellis, H., & Landgraf, J. (2008). The "lost boys" of Sudan: use of health services and functional health outcomes of unaccompanied refugee minors resettled in the U.S. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 10(5), 389-396.
- Murray, L. K., Cohen, J. A., Ellis, B., & Mannarino, A. (2008). Cognitive behavioral therapy for symptoms of trauma and traumatic grief in refugee youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17(3), 585-604.
- Ellis, B. H., Lincoln, A. K., MacDonald, H. Z. & Cabral, H. J. (2008). Mental health of Somali adolescent refugees: The role of trauma, stress, and perceived discrimination. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(2), 184–193.
- Ellis, B., Kia-Keating, M., Yusuf, S., Lincoln, A., & Nur, A. (2007). Ethical research in refugee communities and the use of community participatory methods. Transcultural Psychiatry, 44(3), 459-481.
- Kia-Keating, M., & Ellis, B. (2007). Belonging and connection to school in resettlement: young refugees, school belonging, and psychosocial adjustment. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 12(1), 29-43.
- Ellis, B. H., Lhewa, D., Charney, M., & Cabral, H. (2006). Screening for PTSD among Somali adolescent refugees: Psychometric properties of the UCLA PTSD Index. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19, 547–551.
Multidisciplinary Violence Prevention related publications
- Bunn M, Christopher E, Polutnik-Smith C, McCoy J, Hanneke R, King M, Ellis BH, Cardeli E, Weine S (2023). Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Women and Children Returning from Violent Extremist Contexts: A Rapid Review to Inform Program and Policy Development. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence.
- Ellis BH, King M, Cardeli E, Christopher E, Davis S, Yohannes S, Bunn M, McCoy J, Weine S. (2023) Supporting women and children returning from violent extremist contexts: Proposing a 5R framework to inform program and policy development. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence. 2023.
- Elliott, K., Benjamin, S., Koirikivi, P., & Kuusisto, A. (2023). Education as Prevention: Intersectional Feminism in Security Spaces. Journal of Social Science Education, 22(1).
- Weine S, Bunn M, Birman D, Polutnik C, Christopher E, King M, McCoy J, Razdykova G, Cardeli, E, Ellis BH, (2022). Assessing person-centered outcomes in women and children returning from violent extremist conflict. Discussion Paper, United States Institute of Peace. In press.
- Ellis, BH Miller, AB, Sideridis, G, Frounfelker, R, Miconi, D, Abdi, S, Aw-Osman, F, Rousseau, C. Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Support of Violent Radicalization: Variations by Geographic Location. International Journal of Public Health, 2021 Mar. Vol. 66:617053.
- Weine S, Brahmbat Z, Cardeli E, Ellis BH. Rapid review to inform the rehabilitation and Reintegration of child returnees from the Islamic State. Annals of Global Health. June 2020, 86(1):64-79.
- Cardeli E, Sideris G, Lincoln A, Abdi S, Ellis, BH. Social bonds in the diaspora: The application of social control theory to Somali refugee youth in resettlement. Psychology of Violence. 2020; 10(1):18-29.
- Ellis, B.H., Decker, S.H., Abdi, S.M., Miller, A.B., Barrett, C., & Lincoln, A.K. (2020). A Qualitative Examination of how Somali Young Adults Think About and Understand Violence in their Communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
- Ellis BH, Cardeli E, Bloom M, Brahmbhatt Z, Weine S. Understanding the needs of children returning from formerly ISIS-controlled territories through an emotional security theory lens: Implications for practice. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 Nov; 109:104754. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104754.
- Cardeli E, Bloom, M, Gillespie S, Zayed T, & Ellis BH. Exploring social-ecological factors that mobilize children into violence. Journal of Terrorism & Political Violence, 2020,1-23.
- Benjamin, Saija, et al. Anchors of belonging and the logics of othering of young Finns. Journal of Youth Studies (2023).
- Vallinkoski, K., Benjamin, S. & Elliott, K. (2022) Teachers and Prevention of Violent Extremism. Journal for Deradicalization, 33, 181-220.
- Ellis BH, Sideridis G, Miller A, Abdi S, and Winer J. Trauma, trust in government, and social connection: How social context shapes attitudes related to the use of ideologically or politically motivated violence. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 2019.
- Ellis BH. Preventing Radicalization to violence through partnerships and collaboration. Harvard Public Health Review 2018, Vol 19, pp. 1-5.
- Rousseau, Cécile, B. Heidi Ellis, and John D. Lantos. The dilemma of predicting violent radicalization. Pediatrics 140.4 (2017).
- Ellis BH, Abdi SM, Lazarevic V, Lincoln A, White M, Stern J, Horgan J. Relation of psychosocial factors to diverse behaviors and attitudes among Somali refugees. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2015, Advance online publication.
- Ellis BH, Abdi S, Horgan J, Miller A, Saxe G, Blood E. Trauma and openness to legal and illegal political activism among Somali refugees. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence 2014; 0:1-27.
Educational resources and briefs
- Gillespie S, Cardeli E, Ellis BH. What research on youth involvement in Central American gangs can tell us about children’s involvement in violent extremist organizations. Executive Summary Report to the Department of Defense, Minerva Initiative. 2017. Intended audience: Terrorism researchers and government policy makers.
- Ellis BH, Cardeli E, Bloom M, Brahmbatt Z, Weine S. Best practices for supporting the reintegration and rehabilitation of children from formerly ISIS-children territories. 2020.
- Weine S, Bunn M, Cardeli E, Ellis BH. Trauma informed care and violent extremism prevention. CREST Security Review.