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Researcher | Research Background

Paul Mitchell is a senior biostatistician in the Biostatistics and Research Design Center of the Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR)

Mr. Mitchell’s primary research interest is in children with intestinal failure, a condition caused by poorly functioning intestine or decreased intestinal length. Children with intestinal failure are at increased risk for malnutrition, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, bacterial overgrowth, and cholestatic liver disease. Mr. Mitchell’s collaboration with investigators has led to improved understanding of the impact of novel lipid formulations and lipid reduction on liver disease, essential fatty acid deficiency, and growth. Additional collaborative efforts include research on biomarkers for inflammatory bowel disease, novel measurement of liver fibrosis, and improved diagnosis and treatment for patients with swallow and motility disorders.

Mr. Mitchell is Senior Biostatistician with the Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research. Since coming to Boston Children’s Hospital in 2007, he has collaborated with researchers in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition as well as the Department of Surgery. Mr. Mitchell provides support and guidance to investigators on a wide range of topics, including study design and protocol development, creation of case report forms, database management, and statistical analysis. He works with investigators in basic science as well as clinical research, including sponsored randomized controlled trials, representing the full spectrum of bench-to-patient translational research. He is also currently a member of the Ethics Committee for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America.

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