Current Environment: Production


An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

We are here for you. Read more

To make your appointment as efficient as possible, please arrive 15 minutes before your schedule appointment time to complete the check-in process.

Items to bring

  • Any relevant medical documents. For example, surgery reports, X-ray, MRI, school reports, IEP plan, prior therapy evaluations and notes from other providers if available
  • For school evaluations: handwriting, classroom work, drawings
  • Sneakers
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Splints, braces, etc.

Insurance information, including:

  • Insurance card
  • Co-payment if required by your insurance
  • Insurance referral if your insurer requires one. Referrals may be brought to the appointment, entered into our electronic system by your primary care doctor, or faxed to the location where you will be seen.

Information about your child's medical history for completion of a PT/OT intake form, including:

  • Reason for current occupational therapy
  • Birth history
  • Date and names of previous hospitalizations, surgery
  • Medication list
  • Allergy list
  • List of therapy received elsewhere (school, home, other outside therapist)

For workers compensation or accident/injury related visits, please bring:

  • Name, address, claim number, and contact information of the insurance company handling your claim
  • Your attorney's name, address, phone and case or claim number
  • PIP number if a motor vehicle accident is involved

Talk to Lesley