Current Environment: Production

Filter keys is a program built into the computers operating system. Among other things, you can set filter keys to make a sound each time you hit a key on the keyboard. This can be helpful for people who find that they don’t always fully press a key due to weakness in their fingers. Using the key click gives you extra feedback and may help stop having missing letters in your typing.

  • Use filter keys to turn on “Key Click” — if you do not need any of the other features.
  • To turn on Filter keys — hold the RIGHT shift key down for 8 seconds
  • The “Filter Keys warning box” will appear.
  • The first time you turn on filter keys, adjust the settings by clicking on “Go to Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut”
  • This will bring you to the “set up Filter Keys” page.
  • Check “turn on Filter Keys”
  • Check “Turn on Filter Keys when the right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds
  • Check “Display a warning message when turning a setting on”
  • Check “Make a sound when turning a setting on or off”
  • Uncheck “Turn on Bounce Keys”
  • Uncheck “Turn on Repeat Keys and Slow Keys”
  • Check “Beep when keys are pressed or accepted”
  • Check “Display the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar”
  • Click “OK”
  • Brings you to Ease of Access Center. Close this box.

You have now turned on and set up filter keys. The next time you log into your computer, filter keys should be on.  If it is not, hold down the right SHIFT key for eight seconds.  When the Filter Keys notification box appears, you don’t need to go to settings again, just click “yes."