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Clinician Resources | Overview

Boston HAPPENS works with youth-serving organizations on HIV prevention and intervention strategies, and also collaborates with agencies and professionals who work with HIV infected, homeless, and at-risk youth. HAPPENS also brings together health care providers to network and support one another.

The HAPPENS Program provides:

  • youth-oriented HIV counseling and testing
  • primary care and treatment of HIV-infected youth
  • clinical consultation and/or ongoing specialized HIV care and treatment for HIV-infected youth and young adults receiving primary care elsewhere
  • sexual and reproductive health services for HIV-infected youth and young adults
  • case management and support services
  • mental health services
  • peer outreach and education
  • risk-reduction counseling, family planning services, and GYN care to HIV-infected youth
  • access to clinical trials
  • services and support for at-risk youth
  • consultation about non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (N-PEP), sexual assault follow-up
  • consultation and education about Pre-Exposure Prophlyaxis (PrEP)
  • technical assistance, consultation, and staff in-service trainings
  • training for youth-serving providers and providers working with HIV-infected youth
  • collaboration with community agencies
  • individual and group therapy for youth living with HIV
  • youth support groups

Working with Us

Outreach services

Boston HAPPENS would like to work with you to assist in the care and support for HIV-infected, homeless, and at-risk youth that you care for at your site. We facilitate transitions from pediatric to adolescent, and adolescent to adult care. You can reach us at 617-355-2735.

Community collaboration

We collaborate with community partners working with young people and youth-serving programs in Boston neighborhoods, where youth are at highest risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

If you are from a community-based agency or a youth-serving organization and are interested in community collaboration for HIV prevention and intervention strategies, please contact us at 617-355-2735. Please feel free to contact us about any issues for which we can offer support or for access to any of our services.

Professional affiliations

The Boston HAPPENS Program is based at the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital.

Talk to Lesley