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Participate in Our Research

knee bone in pain

What is this study about?

Our team wants to learn more about the use of pain medication in adolescents ages 12-17 who undergo painful medical procedures. This study looks at individual characteristics to understand how teens recover from surgery.

Why join?

We hope to develop research-informed pain management protocols to reduce the risk of opioid problems after surgery. Adolescent participants will receive up to $85 in gift cards.

man and woman walking

How to participate

Potentially eligible patients at participating medical centers will be contacted by study staff. For more information, contact your study site.

What to expect

A study staff member will contact your family for an informational screening call. If both teen and parent are interested, the staff member will enroll you in the study and collect information from the adolescent’s medical record. Adolescent participants and their parent/caregiver will be asked to complete a survey before surgery and several more up to 12 months after their procedure.