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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Welcome to Patient Safety & Quality at Boston Children’s Hospital

We believe that caring for your child is a both a privilege and a great responsibility. Boston Children’s Hospital is committed to providing the best possible care to every patient and family, and raising the bar for the quality and safety of pediatric health care across the country. We constantly measure our performance to continuously improve what we do. We also work hard to make sure that practices reflect the latest science, while responding to the unique needs, preferences, and values of our patients and families, every step of the way.

We value the insights of parents, patients, and families when it comes to quality and safety. Parents know their child best, and they often have excellent ideas about how care can be improved. We encourage you — as well as other adult family members and children who are old enough — to voice your observations, opinions, or concerns to members of the care team.

The Program for Patient Safety and Quality supports improvement work throughout Boston Children’s. The team includes physician leaders, improvement consultants, patient safety reviewers, clinical effectiveness experts, and many others.

Safety & Quality Strategic Plan Vision

Boston Children's Hospital will deliver the safest, highest-quality care, an optimal patient and family experience, and superior outcomes through the shared commitment of our workforce, patients, and families to high reliability, continuous improvement and the transformation of healthcare.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our work on quality and patient safety, you can contact us anytime at

Talk to Lesley