Award Finalists & Winners | Overview

What is the Best in Care Award?
The Best in Care Award is a channel through which patients and families can formally express the gratitude that they feel toward members of the Boston Children’s workforce (staff and volunteers). Every Best in Care nomination is submitted by a patient and/or family member. Every nominee receives a formal recognition. And every year we come together to celebrate our nominees, our finalists who are chosen by a selection committee, and our winners who are, again, selected by Boston Children’s patients and families.
In November 2023, a long list Best in Care Award nominees were recognized by patients and families for making meaningful differences in their Boston Children’s experiences. Five outstanding finalists were highlighted, and two winners were named as 2022-23’s patient and family top choices. Best in Care nominations highlight, above anything else, the special people who bring kindness and compassion to those feeling fragile and seeking care.
Best in Care award winners
Lauren Henderson, MD, MMSc, Physician, Division of Immunology: Lauren came to Boston Children’s as a resident. “I still remember opening my envelope on match day and being thrilled to find out that I matched at such an amazing program.” Years later, Lauren is proud to call Boston Children’s her professional home. When we asked Dr. Henderson what building connections with patients and their families meant to her, she said something that we hear from many. “[Connection] is the bond that helps both clinicians and patients/families get through really tough times when there might not be medical answers for a given problem. The relationship can be healing for both doctors and patients.” This sentiment came through clearly in Dr. Henderson’s Best in Care Award nomination.
“Dr. Henderson's care made all the difference. She tuned into our son's overall well-being, not just his physical symptoms. She validated his feelings, named how scary the situation was, and kept focused on solutions. She took the time to explain the treatment plan, rationale and what her role was.”
— Dr. Henderson's nomination for Best in Care Award
Brian Eagan, RN, Staff Nurse, Infant-Toddler Surgery: Working as a Clinical Assistant while attending nursing school, Brian had the opportunity to learn about a variety of diagnoses and specialized programs, experiences which later led him to join the Infant-Toddler Surgery inpatient unit after graduation. Brian enjoys building relationships with his patients and their families, who often experience long-term stays at Boston Children’s. “Connecting with families can improve care by empowering them to speak up about questions or concerns they have, and by understanding their goals and motivations and getting to advocate for them as well.” Brian’s nomination highlights a mix of Brian’s humanity, professional competency, and communication skills.
Brian uses his background experiences to think critically about each unique family situation. He is truly an amazing nurse and person and made a significant impact on our child’s care and our experience at Boston Children’s Hospital.
— Brian Eagan's nomination for Best in Care Award
Best in Care award finalists
- Hannah Foxman, MT-BC, Music Therapist: Hannah was recognized for acting with kindness when a patient collapsed in a hallway where Hannah happened to be waiting for an elevator. “Hannah stayed with us and offered to play some calming chords on her guitar. My son has special needs, is nonverbal and loves music. We are truly convinced that Hannah made all the difference in such a difficult situation!”
- Michael Gale, MS, MHS, PA-C, ATC, Physician’s Assistant, Orthopedics: Michael was recognized by a family for connecting deeply with both a young patient and his mom. Highlights from Mike’s nomination include: “Mike made my son feel at ease, he made us both laugh, he made sure we were both comfortable with T's healing plan. He included us and that really matters. It means the world to me that not only do you have world-class doctors, nurses, assistants, and staff, but that your team is representative, full of joy, and full of good humor.”
- Brian Mittelholzer, GI Program Coordinator: Brian shares that “when families share how grateful they are to have you in their corner, it keeps me motivated to grow and improve.” Brian’s nomination illustrates the impact that can be achieved through remote communication. Families can be made to feel special, important, and comforted by our team members in many ways. In this instance, a parent wrote: “There have been many times that I have called the office about a concern about my son's surgery, appointments, FMLA forms. Brian has always returned a call or has emailed me forms. Employees like him are hard to find who always takes time to get back to patients. I really do appreciate Brian for his quick response and for making a worried Mom always at ease. Way to go Brian!"
This year’s Best in Care Award Celebration keynote speaker, patient parent and Family Advisory Council member Brenda Allair, brought the essence of the Best in Care Award program to life when she shared the following, “A family’s experience of their child’s illness or condition is about more than just medicine, surgeries, and treatments. Families know that the small things matter — a cup of coffee when you’ve been waiting on diagnostic test results, a warm blanket when you’ve been up all night with a sick baby or seeing your child smile when a favorite nurse shares an inside joke. These are the moments that we remember. These are the human connections we crave when we find ourselves in sometimes frightening and challenging situations. These are the kindnesses we celebrate in our Best in Care nominees, who have brought comfort and care to families in ways they may not have even recognized at the time.”
We appreciate the efforts of our staff and volunteer community in supporting the patients and families who need us. We also appreciate the patients and families who take the time to submit Best in Care nominations. It means a lot to say the least.