Current Environment:


Recall Alert

There is a voluntary recall of Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Capsules. Learn more

Equipment | Overview

Name Make/Model Functionality Location
Digital Radiography 
Philips DigitalDiagnost
Diagnostic X-ray exams
Boston, Peabody, Waltham, Weymouth
CT scanners
Siemens Somatom Force
Dual-energy CT
Research MRI scanner
Siemens 3T Prisma
Equipped with 128 receive channels, 2 transmit channels, 80/200 gradient system, a 64 channel head and neck coil, a 60 channel body coil, multi-nuclear support, advanced motion tracking and compensation, a complete suite of audiovisual stimulation and recording equipment for functional MRI, and advanced pulse sequences for imaging and spectroscopy.
Siemens 1.5T Symphony
MRI scanner located in the operating suite
GE Medical Systems LOGIQ E9, S8 and Philips iU22, EPIQ 7
Multi-purpose scanners offering superb diagnostic quality images
Boston, Waltham
Allows for whole body diagnostic imaging Boston
Mock MRI
Mock Siemens MRI scanner
Simulation of an MRI system, featuring a tapered bore, a sliding MRI bed, a head coil, and auditory and visual presentation systems
BIOPAC Physiologic System
MRI compatible physiologic system and analysis equipment 
Researchers can measure and analyze data simultaneously. Real-time feedback enables researchers to confirm accurate data is being collected and alter settings and filters when needed.   Brookline