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Equipment | Overview

Name Make/Model Functionality Location

Opera Phenix Plus High-Content Screening System

Revvity (former Perkin Elmer)

A spinning disk confocal microscope is used for high-throughput, high-content assays, phenotypic screening, assays using complex disease models, such as live cells, primary cells, and microtissues, and fast-response assays, such as Ca2+ flux. It is equipped with a liquid handling environmental chamber, 5 lasers and 4 cameras, a full set of objectives, 5x air, 10x air, 20x air, 20x water, 40x water, and 63x water objectives.

CLS 12 121

Multi-electrode array (MEA) Axion Biosystems Maestro Pro The Maestro multielectrode array technology (Axion Biosystems) enables analysis of neural networks and electroactive tissue at unprecedented throughput and scale. This system is ideal for large-scale cellular analysis in drug screening applications and for phenotyping human neurons. CLS 12 160.2
ArrayScan™ XTI: High content screening with live cell imaging  ThermoFisher ArrayScan™ XTI  The ArrayScan XTI (ThermoFisher Scientific) features a temperature- and CO2-controlled live cell chamber to assay cell biology over several days. An integrated liquid handler administers compounds well by well, capturing real-time changes in fluorescence with speeds up to 10 Hz with an enhanced. CCD camera and seven-color LED light source, using 6-well to 384-well labware. The instrument is ideally suited for automated image analysis of many cell types, particularly heterogeneous cell preparations that may require detec- tion of co-expressed markers to identify subsets of cells. CLS 12 121 
Hamamatsu Functional Drug Screening System FDSS 7000 EX Hamamatsu FDSS7000EX  The FDSS700ex is an advanced high throughput screening-dispense and imaging sytem for cell-based assays. The instrument optically detects intracellular reaction and biological signal transmissions to discover new lead compounds, which could be candidates for new drugs. Using adherent, suspension or primary cells the FDSS700 is capable of detecting intracellular Ca2+ ion, membrane potential, ion channel.  CLS 12 121
IncuCyte S3 Live Imaging System from Sartorius IncuCyte S3  The IncuCyte S3 is an industry leading screening platform for population based high-content analysis (HCA) that adds a new dimension of being able to image the same culture over time. The instrument fits conveniently into a standard CO2 incubator requiring no special adaptation, whilst accommodating up to 6 pieces of labware simultaneously (any plate type that conforms to the ANSI/Society for Lab Automation and Screening (SLAS) standard). The system possesses a fully automated, hands-free operation for periods exceeding 25 days, with automated imaging quality not deviating over these extended periods of time. This enables the end user to establish analysis of long-term cell cultures in vitro, a feature that is lacking in many competing platforms.  CLS 12 163
VIAFLO 96/384 liquid handler from Integra VIAFLO 96/384 liquid handler from Integra Easy-to-use liquid handler that allows for exchange of liquid in 96-well or 384-well formats for changing media, adding compounds, setting up qPCR plates, making plate dilutions, washing plates, fixing plates, staining plates, etc. CLS 12 163
Molecular Devices IXM-C High content screening with live cell imaging Molecular Devices/
The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System is a high content imaging system with confocality giving you the ultimate combination of speed, sensitivity and flexibility. High-resolution dual disk configuration with 60 micron confocal pinhole, 42 micron pinhole confocal and widefield modes. The Environmental Control Option for the ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System can be configured to mimic conditions within a laboratory incubator (temperature control, gas mixture and humidity) to keep cells alive for long periods of time, making high-content screening kinetic and time lapse experiments a reality. During assay development, the Fluidics option facilitates compound addition and cell washing to characterize potency or to determine incubation times for higher throughput fixed time point assays. CLS 12 121
Spinnaker Robotic Arm Thermo Fisher Canada/Spinnaker The Spinnaker robot arm works in conjunction with the two HCS imaging systems and the cytomat 5C hotelling incubator, to provide scheduled autonomous plate imaging capabilities. Book to reserve your inventory position in the cytomat 5C  CLS 12 121
Bravo, Benchcel and Plateloc  Agilent The Agilent bravo is a versatile liquid handling platform capable of performing multiple tasks controlled from a simple graphical user interface. ADSF lab staff will assist investigators in the programming of custom protocols to facilitate reproducible pipetting for all experiments and assays. The 96-well microtip bravo head provides accurate liquid handling from 0.3-70µl. The Benchcel 4r microplate handler is a combination of automated microplate handling, and storage, that delivers speed and precision from the 4 intergrated microplate stacks and Plateloc microplate sealer. Intergration of the Bravo, Benchcel and Plateloc gives the ADSF a flexible system that can accommodate a wide variety of liquid handling tasks. CLS 12 160
Mantis Formulatrix The Mantis is a medium throughput liquid handler with extremely low dead volume. The liquid handler uses either conventional pipette tips or reagents dispensed from 50 or 15ml Falcon tubes (for continous flow/bulk dispense). The Mantis is ideal for single well dispense of precious reagents. Fully programmable with a simple, yet powerful GUI. Examples of automated protocols using the Mantis within the core. NGS Library Prep (RNA-Seq), Magnetic Bead Dispensing, PCR Master Mix, Precious Reagent Dispensing, Cell Dispensing, PCR Setup. CLS 12 160
Combi Thermo Fisher/Combi Housed in a sterile BL2 cabinet the combi takes advantage of a peristaltic pump to dispense cells into 96 and 384 cell culture plates. Dead volume if around 3-4ml with a dispense taking typically 10-12 seconds. Using this system minimizes varability in dispense volume and reduction in time to dispense multiple plates by hand. CLS 12 121

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