Current Environment: Production


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Equipment | Overview

Name Make/Model Functionality Location
STEMvision™ Stem Cell technologies
Hematopoietic colony counter EN 210
Luminex MAGPIX® Luminex
Multiplexing analytes TransLab EN 428
EN 428
Becton Dickinson
Flow cytometer, patient monitoring
EN 447
MACSQuant® TYTO Cell Sorter
Milteny biotec Cell sorting for therapy applications
EN 447
BD FACSMelody™
Becton Dickinson
Cell cytometer, patient monitoring
EN 447
MaxCyte GT electroporator
Scalable electroporator primarily used for gene editing (clinical)
EN 206
Droplet Digital™ PCR Biorad Molecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trials
EN 428
QuantStudio™5 Real time PCR
Life Technologies
Molecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trials
EN 447
Cedex bioanalyzer
Cell culture bioprocess analyzer (glucose, lactate etc)
EN 210
SpectraMax i3
Molecular Devices
Measures absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence
EN 428
 CliniMACS® Plus
Milteny biotec
Large scale magnetic cell selection
EN 423
 HPLC Shimadzu
Hemoglobin analysis for sickle cell patients
EN 428 

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