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Cultural Competency and Diversity | Overview

In support of its mission to promote faculty diversity, the Office of Faculty Development has developed a multi-dimensional strategy that encompasses comprehensive communication vehicles; fosters academic promotion, professional guidance, and career satisfaction; and establishes a "Climate of Success" through mentoring, skills-building workshops, and dedicated resources. The Office of Faculty Development works collaboratively with the Boston Children's Diversity and Cultural Competency Council (DCCC) to support their mutual goals. Recognizing that physician diversity is a national issue and that "pipeline programs" are crucial, the Office collaborates with Boston Children's Hospital Office of Fellowship Training; Harvard Medical School Office of Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs; and the Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership and several national initiatives. Among programs for minority faculty and fellows at Boston Children's Hospital:

  • Fellowships for underrepresented minorities (URM), co-sponsored by the Basic Science and Clinical Research Executive Committees, with annual celebration to honor recipients and increase visibility.

  • Delivery of culturally effective healthcare and diversity training specifically tailored for faculty and trainees

  • Boston Children's Hospital corporate sponsorship in the Partnership Program, a Boston area program providing year-long forums, mentoring, and other professional development opportunities for professionals of color. The Office of Faculty Development supports the applications of faculty members. Most recently, Boston Children's Hospital nominated Alexandra Epee-Bounya, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, to participate in the 2014 program.

  • Series of minority faculty and fellow lunches: these lunches cover needs assessment, mentoring strategies, topics of interest.

  • Representation at URM pipeline events such as the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Annual Conferences

  • Networking and mentorship events for URM faculty and trainees

  • Annual  observances:
    - MLK Jr. Observance
    - Black History Month Observance
    - Latino Heritage Month Celebration
    - Asian New Year and Heritage Celebration
    - LGBT Celebration/participation in Pride Parade
    - Veterans' Day Observance

  • The Office of Faculty Development disseminates information from Harvard Medical School concerning fellowships and opportunities from the HMS Minority Faculty Development Program.

Boston Children's Hospital Commitment to Cultural Competency and Diversity

Office of Fellowship Training
HMS Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership
The Partnership, Inc

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