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Social Work Fellowship FAQs | Overview

Q: Would I have an opportunity to meet with a staff person at some time during the application process?
A: Finalists for each of the fellowships will be invited for an interview.

Q: Do I need my Massachusetts social work licensure before I apply?
A: No, you do not need to have MA licensure in order to apply. Fellows should have their MA licensure (LCSW, or LICSW) within 3 months of starting their fellowship. Please note that in MA, LCSW is the first level of social work licensure, followed by LICSW. This may vary from state to state.

Q: Am I eligible to receive health benefits?
A: Yes. All fellows except LEND are eligible to receive benefits at an additional cost.

Q: What days are the LEND fellowship?
A: All day Friday starting at 8:00 a.m. is required. Other time can be negotiated.

Q: What should I write about in my two page letter?
A: You should include those aspects that led you to apply for this Fellowship. State what you hope to learn, how you learn most readily, whether you have special interests you would like to develop. Please tell us how an advanced training fellowship would help you realize your professional goals. 

Q: The application asks for my graduate transcripts but I am still in school. What do I send?
A: Please send your official transcript up to the time of your application. Many people apply while still finishing their MSW and we understand it will not be complete.

Q: What happens if I send additional materials for my application after the deadline?
A: We must receive all materials by the deadline. Anything sent after the deadline will not be reviewed.

Q: If I require a VISA, will the Hospital apply for me?
A: No, the Hospital does not apply for VISAs.

After reading the Fellowship FAQs, if you have additional questions, please drop us a line at

Talk to Lesley