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Harvard Medical School Promotion Criteria | Overview

Faculty are encouraged to interpret their progress in a flexible structure or menu that will create an in-depth academic profile. 

Structure of Promotion Criteria: your profile is composed of activities from these groups:

  1. An area of excellence that represents the primary activity and the faculty member's most significant contribution: teaching and educational leadership; clinical expertise and innovation; investigation.
  2. Evaluation for teaching and education: required supporting activity, unless medical education is your primary area of excellence.
  3. Report on other supporting activities outside the area of excellence: clinical expertise; investigation; education of patients and service to the community; administration and institutional service. This component of the profile is optional.

Please check the HMS website for further information on the revised criteria.

Office of Faculty Development Tips Sheets for HMS Promotion

Office of Faculty Development Webcasts on HMS Promotion - click on workshop title for webcast

Promotion to Assistant and Associate Professor (including Longer service criteria for Assistant Professor)
Speaker: Carol Bates, MD, HMS Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
Tuesday, February 11, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Folkman Auditorium in the Enders Building
This workshop will concentrate on outlining the criteria for areas of excellence pertaining to the HMS Assistant Professor and Associate Professor levels as well as some helpful tips on adapting the CV and the criteria for promotion to Assistant Professor by Longer Service criteria.

Promotion to Professor
Speaker: Bethany Westlund, PhD, HMS Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
Monday, February 24, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Karp 8 Conference Room
This workshop will concentrate on outlining the criteria for areas of excellence pertaining to the HMS Professor level as well as some helpful tips on adapting the CV.

For information and links to HMS guidelines on faculty policies:

Talk to Lesley