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The Life Support Program is an American Heart Association training center that provides the highest quality educational programs and support to the faculty and staff of Boston Children’s Hospital and its affiliates, as well as community providers and lay rescuers. Review our policies and procedures.

Course release schedule

  • January-March classes will be released on or around the first week of October.
  • April-June classes will be released on or around the first week of January.
  • July-September classes will be released on or around the first week of April.
  • October-December classes will be released on or around the first week of July.

The LSP constantly evaluates the need to increase the size or add additional classes based on the needs of the hospital community.

Important reminders

  • All AHA provider certifications are valid for two years.
  • Certifications expire on the last day of the month of the participants expiring month and year.

Frequently asked questions

When does my certification expire?

All AHA certifications expire on the last day of the month, two years from the date which a participant took their prior course.

Is there a “grace period”?

There is no grace period. It is the sole responsibility of the individual to maintain current certification. Please refer to your department policy or consult with your leadership group regarding working with an expired certification as this creates liability for your department and the hospital.

When do I get my card?

Per AHA guidelines, the office can take up to 21 business days to process the cards once the office has received the course paperwork.

There is inclement weather. Is class cancelled?

In the event of inclement weather, classes are rarely cancelled due to scheduling logistics for all parties involved. A decision will be made no sooner than nine hours before the scheduled class date and time. If the class will be canceled, there will be two attempts to notify the participants, one by email and one by phone. This notification will be sent not later than eight hours prior to the scheduled class date and time. Individuals will not be responsible for the cost of the class nor the cost of rescheduling the class. Per AHA regulations regardless of these unfortunate circumstances, there is no extension on certification expiration date.

Contact us

Boston Children’s Hospital
♥ Life Support Program
300 Longwood Ave., Fegan 0031
Boston, MA 02115

Hours of operation: 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Hours may differ on holidays)

Phone: 617-355-2649

Talk to Lesley